Powerful documentary

I couldn't stop crying.

I'm so sad for all these girls and their families, especially Audrie and anyone else who thinks ending their life is the answer.

Stand up and end these assaults, end the bullying, expose the corruption of officials who hide the truth. Good will always triumph.


I had read your review on IMDB about My Brilliant Friend.I just would like to tell you that the original language 'like music to your ears' is not Italian.It's Neapolitan.I'm from Neaples. The Italians also had to watch with subtitles.Thank you.


I’m just about 20 minutes into it and broken hearted for these girls. I was sexually assaulted for years as a kid then by a family friend for months as a teenager. As a child what happened to me was photographed and videoed by the child predators who abused me. I’m horrified at that idea that even now perverts can download and watch me being abused. But honestly I’d be even more horrified if people I knew saw these photos and blamed me. I couldn’t handle this as adult. My heart aches for these young girls.

Now that said I’m also a parent of a young adult, teen daughter and teen son. I’m not parent blaming at all but it troubles me that teens this young would drink. I know some experiment but were they educated & warned of the risks and dangers they put themselves in? I’ve tskked nonstop about things like this with my kids over the years. One wrong choice can ruin your life and someone else’s. This could have been prevented and I’m sure all parents involved remind themselves and again I’m not blaming them at all. We raise our kids the best we can be in the end the they make their own choices.

This is such a sad situation and I’m going I am definitely going to encourage my kids to watch it. I’m sure this happens more than we are aware of.
