This poor girl Daisy !!

People are really cruel, especially these young girls who are get the blame of "asking for it" when they are raped.
This is a great example of small town backwardness . Not being from a small town or anything, it's just a way I see things, especially when it comes to crimes of people whom know the right people.
This girl Daisy is very brace, and shame on the people who called her names behind a cowardly Twitter or social media account.
I'm glad she is ok , and the best thing to do is get out of these bubble *beep* towns where everyone is a hick POS.
I don't know how her older brother didn't bear beat his "friends" to death. I would be in jail for a long time if anyone, let alone my friends did something like that to my sister.



I thought she had incredible courage to go through so much and come out the other side as such a strong person. Her brother comes across as such a good guy, he could have easily ended up beating the hell out of the guys who did it. He could have ended up in jail and not been around for his sister but instead, he took the high road.

Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn't going to mention it - Castiel


Thank you for this.

The solution is that people need to stop sexually assaulting others. We can't figure out who is a perpetrator and who isn't. I hate victim blaming as much as you do.


It's really sad what happened to her but don't think for one second that rapists aren't getting away with it in big cities too. It's everywhere. There are no safe zones. Women who report rapes in New York City and LA and Seattle get ridiculed, ignored, and revictimized by the legal system every day. So do not blame this on small towns please. Blame it on the rape culture that permeates every aspect of all of our lives. Blame it on the rapists.
