Did OJ make a freudian slip?

Just saw the documentary and in episode five after his acquital we hear OJ say that he would spend the rest of his life hunting down the murderers. As in plural. This surprised me because in the documentary (and I only know the story through the lens of this documentary) at no time do I remember that it were mentioned that he possible could have gotten help or that multiple murderers were something they considered. At no point in the documentary did anyone (whether they believed in his innocence or not) mention the possibility of more than one murderer. And when I heard it, I thought, was that just a freudian slip? Did he just reveal, by putting murderer in plural, that he got help? Then later in the same episode, when he was interviewed for the "If I did it" book, he mentioned that "if" he did it, he would have had help.

What do you think? Did anyone else notice this? Does anyone has more knowledge on the investigation and know if a multiple murderer theory were ever considered?


OJ is a classic pathological liar. Remember Shipp heard OJ give several different versions of his whereabouts around the time of the murder ALL IN THE SAME DAY. Also, the bloody footprints almost certainly suggest there was only one murderer.
1. The bloody footprints matched OJ's Bruno Maglis EXACTLY.
2. The nasty cut on OJ's finger matched being cut by his own murder weapon during the struggle with Ron Goldman.
3. The blood on the outside of OJ's Bronco.
4. The blood on the INSIDE of OJ's Bronco.
5. The bloody glove on OJ's property matched the glove left at the murder scene.
6. The bloody socks in OJ's house.
7. Hairs matched, DNA matched, gloves, dark wool cap..all matched.

OJ, OJ, OJ. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia lol.

Shall we play a game?


1. The bloody footprints matched OJ's Bruno Maglis EXACTLY.
2. The nasty cut on OJ's finger matched being cut by his own murder weapon during the struggle with Ron Goldman.
3. The blood on the outside of OJ's Bronco.
4. The blood on the INSIDE of OJ's Bronco.
5. The bloody glove on OJ's property matched the glove left at the murder scene.
6. The bloody socks in OJ's house.
7. Hairs matched, DNA matched, gloves, dark wool cap..all matched.

It's just mind blowing that they acquitted him with all that evidence. And were not talking about a drop of blood, there was blood everywhere.


Marcia Clark dismissed the entire blood evidence when she called the LA forensics lab sloppy in front of a jury. Blame her.


Does anyone know how the hunt is going, and whether being incarcerated has impeded OJ at all in his efforts?




I do recall the possibility being suggested that OJ might have had help, most likely from one of his buddies, but I don't think the prosecution ever brought it up.


He said " I will make it my primary goal in life to hunt down the killer or killers"
