MovieChat Forums > O.J.: Made in America (2016) Discussion > Not a fan of Nicole or the Brown family

Not a fan of Nicole or the Brown family

First of all let me say that I agree with most everyone else here- OJ did it, he deserves what he got (at LEAST)- HOWEVER, I do agree a bit with some OJ supporters that Nicole was portrayed overly angelic by the prosecution. From what I read, those 2 deserved each other. The black jurors didn't like Nicole, probably for these reasons.

- She was doing lots of drugs and having multiple affairs - often when the kids were right upstairs. Ron Shipp mentions this in the BBC documentary and he has always been pretty straight about the events and he supported Nicole.
- One of the people she had an affair with was Marcus Allen- really really Low for OJ's ex wife.
- OJ started hitting her and she wouldn't leave. Lots of their fights were because he wanted her to leave. Why stay in that circumstance? Because you are a fame whore and for the money?
- Her entire family was dependent/living off of OJ's fame and money. OJ set up her father with a Hertz dealership, among other things. What was he doing before? Why would an intact white family need support from a black guy who came from a one parent household in the projects?
- She considered Faye Resnick to be one of her best friends. A complete sleaze who wrote a tell all book within a few months of the incident, with a bunch of titillating details, which, if true, reiterate Nicole's character. Hate to say it but I think KRIS KARDASHIAN (JENNER) had a lot more class than Nicole's "circle of friends".


Why would an intact white family need support from a black guy who came from a one parent household in the projects?

They were not that bad off, but not in the same league as a wealthy ex-pro football player turned pitchman/businessman turned actor.


I think you're engaging in victim blaming here. An arbitrary assessment of someone's "morals" to mitigate a grotesque crime like this is simply wrong. What Nicole, as an adult woman, did in her leisure time was her business and does not justify nor ameliorate in the slightest her brutal execution.

I know that you said you agree that OJ did it, deserves what happened to him etc, but you then say HOWEVER...there IS no "however" in this case. Not one of your points is in any way relevant to Nicole (and Ron's) murder.


Exactly PurpleProse!


Theres a long thread about the Browns now so many people agree with me.


So OJ is allowed to *beep* anything that walks. But Nicole can't even have a couple affairs? Gtfo!



So what. You were never there. You did not know her or her family.

But you did see the crime scene, the horrific wounds, the incontrovertible evidence, and the 2 sides of OJ.

Oh, did you miss the 911 calls or her journal entries? Do you know anyone or anything about abusive relationships? Did you hear about him stalking her? She did finally leave. And he did what she said, "he'a going to kill me."

Leaving is not that simple even if no children, no fame are involved. If you have been in love with this person and think he is the person for you (and she was so young when they got together) that it is confusing. You can leave, divorce, get a restraining order. Why didn't he leave? He could have walked away, right? Or does that not fit with the story? If he wanted things a certain way, it is very hard to believe that he would not get them to be that way. He got everything.

girl bye..

Nicole was no Francine Hughes without any resources. This incredibly foolish woman went around apparently telling everyone this man was going to kill her, wrote documents and stored pics of her battered face in a safe despite box. Why on earth would this woman choose to live a few blocks from him and why would this woman keep courting danger at every turn? Sleeping with his best friend, manipulating him whenever he tried to move on and find someone else, f*&(ing in broad daylight when you know his crazy az likes to watch you, with his children upstairs sleeping? Come on now, Nicole was just as wacky as OJ.
SHE also stalked him and hurled insults at a woman she saw him with weeks before she was killed.


The fact that Nicole was a slut just makes her more of a sympathetic victim to me. If she was an ice queen who never put out she would come off as less sympathetic to me. She would just be another stuck up, rich, white girl.


Why is it any of your business how many people she sleeps with?

Good old sexism right here.


I don't think your argument is valid in this case, as OP was not discussing whether or not she "deserved what she got". He was simply stating his opinion on Nicole Brown. This is a discussion about her personality (probably pointless as none of us knew her and mostly everything we think about her is subjective) and as such I don't think he should be accused of "victim blaming". He's not saying she deserved to be murdered, but that her behavior and persona in general were not represented truthfully in court. At least that's how I understood OP.


I completely agree with you on the part that Nicole in no way seemed like the innocent little angel media portrayed her to be. She did questionable things herself, she stayed with OJ even when he physically abused her, because obviously she was addicted to the perks and riches that come with being wife of OJ Simpson.

Having said that, it does not mean that she deserved to be slaughtered. Even if she was the worst person in the world it does not justify OJ murdering her in cold blood. He could have dumped her and got any girl he wanted. As a matter of fact he cheated on her repeatedly and was with another girl at the time of her murder. How come it is OK for him to do whatever he wants, but if his wife does the same thing she deserves to be beaten up. humiliated and eventually killed?


Do you know anything about abuse or domestic violence? Because if you did you wouldn't be a disgusting victim blamer and assuming that Nicole stayed with him for the money.


Most of the "Affairs" that you are referring to happened after they split up... so affair? Nope. I am sure Nicole was no angel, I am sure she got with Marcus Allen to get back at OJ, I am sure she used drugs, I am sure she enjoyed the perks of being a celebrity's wife. That just makes her human, whereas what O.J. did makes him a piece of garbage.


Personally I think both of them (meaning OJ and Nicole) were self absorbed, narcissitic, immature lunatics. I have to say this though - I can somewhat absolve Nicole in the sense that she was really young. Even when she was murdered, think she was only 34 at that point. OJ was close to 47 years old by the time he murdered her. ONe thing about men - yeah, they do a lot of stupid things when they are young and full of testosterone. Plus a lot of them haven't learned yet how to control themselves at all times. I can say for myself, now at 51, that I haven't raised my voice or lost any type of control of myself for close to 20 years now. So, its a bit hard for me to understand a 47 year old man not being able to keep himself in check (which he obviously couldnt do). I mean, man- a 47 year old man stalking his Xwife? Completely pathetic IMO. Getting back to Nicole, another jerk who I believe really enjoyed pushing OJs buttons. Plus, Ive seen some people kind of try to absolve her sleeping around and massive drug use because she was single by that point. Yeah , thats fine and dandy - however, pretty sick with two young kids in the house if you ask me. So, pretty much two pieces of garbage that unfortunately involved a completely innocent person (Ron Goldman) in their insanity.



I agree with you 100%. they were both very selfish which is both bad and true of many people. However only one of them was a true piece of garbage in my mind bc he took it to the next level of violence


Not a "fan" of a murdered woman or a victims family?

You don't need to be. Actually, you don't need to be talking about them at all, or magnetising the dregs of humanity to a thread on such a subject.

You target her choice of friends, her lifestyle choices and her family.

This woman was stabbed to death, and her family and the Goldmans had to endure a traumatising trial which resulted in no conviction. And you are here discussing the merits of them as people and how they lived their lives?

I find this thread beyond disgusting.


@cathal1234 Why are you being so dramatic and self righteous? Just because Nicole was murdered in a brutal way doesn't mean we have to act like phonies and pretend she was a saint when she absolutely wasn't. Yes, it's obvious that Simpson was the killer and it's a shame he wasn't convicted for the crime. But none of that changes the type of person Nicole was. Based on the books I've read about the case Nicole had a habit of screwing married men, such as Marcus Allen. I've also read she was violent to other people the same way O.J. was to her. She once slapped her maid. The rest of the Browns weren't any better. They sold topless pictures of Nicole to the media after she died. This message board is meant for discussing the Simpson trial. Since Nicole is a huge part of the story there is nothing improper about bringing up Nicole's past into the conversation. I have respect for Ron Goldman and his family, but as far as I'm concerned, Nicole and the Browns were trash!


Who said she was a saint? She was eulogized in a fond way as nine out of ten people are eulogized b/c that's how people are about other people when they are dead. Her character shouldn't even come into this let alone who she slept with. That's insane. And people in essence are speculating about victim blame b/c the OP mentioned the jury's perception of her and Marcia Clark said the jury wasn't putting the domestic violence link together with motive because this jury was dumber than a box of rocks and couldn't grasp simple concepts such as the importance and necessity of proving motive.

It's amazing how the OP's message is right there, a click away for everyone to see, yet the responses on here are saying "no one is blaming her" the OP just doesn't like her. No, when you bring up jury perception of a victim and list all the private aspects of her life around drugs and sex, we are in the territory of victim blaming. The jury should think zero of her, if they concerned about rodney king's safety when he was a lowlife scumbag who got to live and be made into a hero then Nicole's lifestyle shouldn't be questioned at all. She stayed with OJ as most women of that time did, because he's the father of her children and she spent most her life being a mom/wife versus making money for herself. This was considered by society to be an ideal thing for women but in actuality it stripped them of any freedom or independence.
