Appalled by Johnnie Cochran

One person I really despised in this whole trial, even more than OJ, was Johnnie Cochran.

I know the kind of injustice and suffering black people had to go through on a regular basis back in that time was really heart breaking and sad. It was sickening to watch how human beings treated fellow humans with such humiliation because of the color of their skin. And that's why I can understand why most black people saw OJ's acquittal as a ray of hope against injustice and sign of things changing for better.

However, I am equally appalled by Johnnie Cochran who used the sufferings of ordinary black people to save a rich and privileged murderer who always distanced himself from the black community and never gave a s**t about civil rights abuse they go through. For me, Johnnie Cochran was just as much racist as Mark Fuhrman.


Johnnie Cohran was doing his job and that's to defend O.J . Anyway, he was one the best lawyers i've ever seen.


I think his motivation was his cause and not money.


I agree he was absolutely disgusting. Only working on his own agenda.


I disposed him as well, but I don't understand how you could dispise him more than OJ, who brutally killed two people, one completely innocent, the other the mother of two of his small children.

I too understand why many blCk people reacted the way they did to the acquittal, seeing it as a ray of hope in a system that had so often failed them, and dislike Cochran for using this to win this case. I agree he was a racist, but can't compare him to Fuhrman. Racism against blacks, and other races, had a much stronger foothold.


Well at least he's in hell now. ;)

