MovieChat Forums > O.J.: Made in America (2016) Discussion > First Degree or Second Degree Murders?

First Degree or Second Degree Murders?

I know OJ is definitely guilty of the murders, but I really find it hard to believe it was pre-meditated murder. Its easier to do so in a rage, but I definitely don't think he drove over intending to kill her.


Yes, some hold that view, but he didn't just kill her, he went overboard in the way he killed her.


Not only am I persuaded beyond a doubt that Simpson is guilty, but I also think the murders were premeditated. Why else would he bring a knife, gloves, and a knit cap to Nicole's residence. I don't believe that Simpson went to Nicole's, unexpectedly went into a rage and, by sheer coincidence, just happened to have all those murder tools on him. The crime took place on a warm night in June, so there's no other reason he would have gloves and a cap. And there's definitely no other reason he would bring a big ol' knife!
