MovieChat Forums > Chappaquiddick (2018) Discussion > Another boring-ass movie about a story w...

Another boring-ass movie about a story we all already know.

Just why?


Why not? It was a fascinating look at how things are often spun in the political world. It's a story about power and hubris and arrogance and what people are willing to do (or not do) given the stakes involved. These are transcendent themes. They're always interesting. "Chappaquiddick" was a fine vehicle for revisiting them.



I would suggest that if you don't want people to answer your questions, you don't post them on public message boards.


Yeah, seemed like a pretty good answer to me.

By his logic, no movie should ever be made about a known historical event....ever.


No, I'm saying they should be about little-known stories or if they are about well-known people, it should be told in some cool way with a new way of looking at it. This is just another dressing-up exercise. "Look at us, we're wearing 60s clothes!"

This is just a sad, grimy little story of a douchebag who got some girl killed....... and got away with it. Nothing worth getting excited over at all, they may as well make a movie about the cheap sex I've had in the last fortnight. lol.


You answered a question I didnt ask ("why not".)
