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The Kennedys Are Not Going to Like the Gripping New Chappaquiddick

Chappaquiddick (2018) - News, Rumors & Gossip
That seems to be the strong suggestion of the gripping new drama, Chappaquiddick, that debuted at the Toronto Film Festival, directed by John Curran (Tracks) and starring Zero Dark Thirty's Jason Clarke as Teddy. And maybe those of us who do have ... read full story on Vulture


It played TIFF 12 days ago. Plenty of reviews but no discussion? Good review with background facts.


I thought it made Teddy look more human than ever to me.

I even thought while watching it... Did The Kennedy's maybe get this produced?


Really? They simultaneously showed the absurd power of the Kennedy family; they pulled it off!


Very good movie. Shows how corrupt the Kennedy clan really was.


Even if Chappaquiddick hadn't happened I doubt Ted Kennedy would have been elected president in 1972. Nixon was popular, the Vietnam War was winding down, the economy was good, and his visit to China all but guaranteed him re-election.


Doesn’t mean Kennedy would not have been elected in 1976. Frankly, even if Nixon was elected in 1972, after his resignation Kennedy would have been the nominee over Carter or any other Dem in 1976. (Had Chappaquiddick not occurred)


Doesn’t mean Kennedy would not have been elected in 1976. Frankly, even if Nixon was elected in 1972, after his resignation Kennedy would have been the nominee over Carter or any other Dem in 1976. (Had Chappaquiddick not occurred)
That's a scary thought.


I think he could have gotten the nomination in 1976 even with Chappaquiddick, which had just remerged in the news around then. Carter was almost completely unknown at that point, and no one else was even considered a viable candidate. Then in the election it would have been Kennedy (Chappaquiddick) vs Ford (Pardoned Nixon). And I think the country at the time would have viewed a young girl who Kennedy was never charged for her death as much less of a big deal than letting the criminal former president off the hook.
