The Reviews Are In

Hollywood Reporter: "embrace every clichéd element," "'Traded' features nary an original element," "minor oater."

Village Voice: "The surest sign that we're in the midst of a western revival is all the chaff that's come along with the wheat. Traded, a paternal revenge drama set in and around Dodge City some twenty years after the Civil War, serves mainly to remind how exceptional recent standouts like The Homesman and Dead Man's Burden have been."

Film Journal: "...founders on genre clichés," "...if a period film can't sell the period, it's not working."

Variety: "Genre aficionados eager to sample some Wild West action likely will be disappointed by “Traded,” a retrograde horse opera in which the pacing is closer to a leisurely trot than a full gallop." "...feels like the cinematic equivalent of a 45 rpm record played at 33 1/3." "Mostly due to the limp direction by Timothy Woodward Jr., “Traded” never really offers much in the way of suspense or excitement."

Rotten Tomatoes

"Awful!!! We should have walked out. Worst acting seen in a long time !! Don't do it !!!"

"Maybe the worst movie I have ever seen"


"How does a movie this bad get produced?"

"This movie insults your intelligence. Might have been better as a comedy."

"Screenwriter? Are the toll both operators hiring?"

"I love a good western. I can even put up with worn out plots and worn out actors (I'm looking at you Kris). This however is just bad all around. I couldn't help but flinch every time there was a error in continuity. After a while they became so many it became a game because it's all I was seeing. And I think I saw the same hat on three different extras."

"These films are the equivalent to (perhaps worse than) those '5 for $1' titles you'd find lining the back corner shelves of corner video rental stores in the 80's and 90's. The stuff no one ever watched unless drunk or if they came with a "AAA" release as part of a deal."

"It's "Taken" in a Western setting. I don't know how to list all the things wrong with this movie because there were so many."


Whoa whoa wait a second let me get something straight here...

This *beep* was shown in theaters?!

"Is that your IQ or the number of dipwads your mother had?" - Car Pool Man
