The ending (spoilers)
So at the end the kids don't actually die?
They work for the company that distributed the test?
What were they packaging up?
So at the end the kids don't actually die?
They work for the company that distributed the test?
What were they packaging up?
sounds like a great reason for a another movie
shareThere's clearly some conspiracy going on. It would be neat to have a sequel to explore the ending a bit. Does anyone think this would have made for a better mini-series? I am impressed with YouTube seeing as this is a film they produced.
Keep the change ya filthy animal
They were packaging the tablets, my thoughts are that the failing students become part of an underground sweatshop for cheap or free labor working for the big corporation "Assuru Global".
shareWell, at least they didn't die :) I'm curious to see what the reason would be for falsifying their deaths.
BTW, was this a novel? It feels like it would be a YA novel...
"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect
I didn't notice it was the tablets but I was also watching on a small tablet.
Now I am wondering why they are falsifying deaths. I'm glad they didn't die but why go through all of what they put the kids through with the whole sanitizing thing.
I can't wait for the second part to find all this out.
I hope it doesn't take to long!
I think I know what the ending is all about.
Cap and Trade is a real thing that apparently tries to reduce global pollution...where Governments give incentives to companies that reduce emissions using a permit system, and fraud and corruption can happen.
This movie basically copies the idea of that, but instead of global pollution reduction, it's global population reduction.
And instead of Cap and Trade for pollution, they have 'decapitate and trade' . Some other country's government agrees to kill a certain excess amount of their own, in exchange for cash from the scamming company the US Government contracted out to cull. But that company doesn't kill but enslaves them to make schitty tablets......and turns a higher profit as a result.
How stupid right? but not nearly as stupid as the premise and delivery of this POS.
well besides the tablets, they were also working on those little scan card things. I have a feeling that the serum they inject into the students messes with there memory to an extinct, to better keep them working underground and from exposing how they never really kill people.
The more personalities you have the less boring you are!
The ending makes little sense and looked rushed........... if the population is stagnant, why the need for new tablets? the test ones, one supposes are only used once per year.
The way I would have gone is that only texas was doing the Thinning but was trying to expand it across the US... hence the need for more and more Tablets.
The more important information is how do they thin out the younger population.
shareBut its all about reducing consumption to save the Earth.
If they don't knock off the 5% then they would have to reduce per capita consumption across the board by at least 5% for no-one to notice that Texas is still consuming food, energy, whatever - at the same rate.
Even if they use the Thinned as slave labour, they still consume.