You can always tell a propaganda movie when...'s making you feel sick just at the thought of it. That's how propaganda works. It engages your fight or flight emotions.
If this movie was intended for adults, I would say fine. But the primary cast are all Disney employed young actors, and one of the main characters has a little sister in first grade who is also an important character. So this is obviously intended for children.
What this does is trigger emotions in children which are then internalized by the immature mind and become a part of the psyche. It also contains predictive programming. That is, it grooms its viewers to accept what it sees as an inevitability. Most adults would look at this and dismiss it, but children are much easier to influence which is what makes it dangerous.
Nothing of what they say in this movie is realistic. Overpopulation isn't true, especially in the West where populations are declining and there is still plenty of wide open space. Also the UN has absolutely no authority to tell sovereign Americans what to do. And if our federal government tried to institute such a program, no one would enforce it because it so obviously violates our most basic freedoms which make America what it is.
But young kids don't know that. And while anyone can see that it's wrong to kill people, they can still easily internalize all this garbage about overpopulation and begin rationalizing killing people, whether directly through death panels (the selective denial of health care to sick people) or indirectly by limiting Americans' use of energy (and thus air conditioning, etc). There's also the threat of the government instituting sterilization and one-child policies like China. And sadly people are being brainwashed to accept these kinds of solutions to a non-existent problem. Case in point, just look at some of the discussions here on this very IMDB board.