Morgan is definitely not an atheist, and could be called an agnostic. In an interview with Craig Ferguson, I remember Morgan saying that, "It's complicated", but, "I definitely believe in something greater than us, a creator of sorts". From what I know of him, it's very likely that Spinoza's God is the closest description of Morgan's belief. He believes in something greater than us, but likely not fully understandable by us, which could be described as agnostic. It is also telling in the first episode of this series where Morgan says to the diver who returned from death, that his personal home library is filled with books of all faiths, just as the divers library was. To Spinoza, a wise eye (Mind's eye that is.), could see an obscured reflection of God in basically anything and everything. Einstein also described his belief of God as Spinoza like.
My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!!