A pick n Mix muslim i assume? Just pick those versus that go along with your OWN moral compass.. And ignore the vast amount of scripture that says the absolute opposite of the quote you provided. Because 'holy texts' Are meant to be interoperated by mere humans right?,,.,... The hypocrisy with people like you is *beep* ludicrous.. I have more respect for violent islamic terrorist in this sentiment, plainly because they at least follow there barbaric religion the way its actually meant to be. And the culture of too many muslims is ingrained in non western values that there is no way Islam will ever go through a modernisation like christianity managed to.
Both religions practice hate and death of non believers... At least christians dont practice it and are all just a bunch of idiotic hypocrites..
Its why the only real religious people who deserve respect and then absolute hatred for there convictions in my mind, are the fanatical ones who follow it like was supposed to be when it was plagued upon the world many centuries ago.
If People were supposed to interpolate these fantasy texts how ever it suited there lifestyle, there would have beeb a disclaimer at the start of the 'holy' book to say thats okay....
So as far as im concerned, if theres a hell.. Everyone is going it bar maybe a couple 1000 people living today.. Because no one follows these religions how they were actually written.
Perception Is Reality