Loved it, and questions *Spoilers*
If you've only watched half an episode and turned it off, or you haven't finished the season, this thread is not for you.
I thought this was spectacular storytelling. If you enjoy the original series, or if you've never seen it, it could be for you if you just open yourself up to enjoying things. If you have a cold heart and don't want to like it, then don't like it, but go away.
[spoiler]I have a question for those who have watched through to the end of final episode "Danger, Will Robinson." Near the end a harpoon cable needs to be extended to save John and Don as they float in orbit. We come to find out that it was Dr. Smith who extended the cable, and her reasons for doing so are difficult to discern, made intentionally ambiguous. What I am curious about, is how did Dr. Smith end up locked in the airlock? Did she put herself there? Why would she do that? Does she just want to belong? Had she realized she lost control of Robot? What do you think?
I feel like not spelling everything out is a strength of this show, and if Dr. Smith's reasons were made explicit, I wouldn't have liked it as much. I'm just curious on movie chatters' theories about why she did what she did, and how she ended up in the airlock?[/spoiler]
Again, if you don't like this show, go chat about something you do like.