
As shown in Cannes, a few people involved in this movie (including the main star) were involved with a small political protest during the exhibition of this movie, where they claim a coup has taken course in Brazil.

That only shows why people are so easily brainwashed today, especially when we talk about brazilians that do NOT live in Brazil - because they are totally clueless about what exactly goes on since the Lula/Dilma government.

So it's probably for the best that if you do not sympathize with their silly bias against the true meaning of democracy, that you ignore this movie and anything Sonia Braga related.



You're so dumb.


Yeah, it's a coup orchestrated by over half of the brazilian population and over 70% of the senate and the chamber of deputies - yet you are trying to tell me to save my **** for myself.

The foreign media you claim they are taking the asinine side of this political joke are the ones fomented by the liberal media and the ones who do not know any better, which clearly works well for your case.

You should really educate yourself.


and almost the entire foreign media agree that it is a coup

Not really. The only ones calling it a coup are the Bolivarian trash.

Not only it was legal, but it had full support of the population.


Yes, because The New York Times and The Economist are "bolivarian trash".


Really? Then post it here.

The international consensus is that this is not a coup.

"Ms. Rousseff, then, is something of a rarity among Brazil’s major political figures: She has not been accused of stealing for herself."
"No one can dispute that Ms. Rousseff is very unpopular around the country, as reflected in her nearly single-digit approval ratings, the broad ire over bribery and kickbacks within her Workers’ Party, and the regular street protests demanding her ouster."
"Even so, some Brazilians argue that the impeachment upheaval has less to do with stamping out corruption than with an effort to shift power by lawmakers with questionable records themselves."
"How she exits the Planalto, the presidential palace, matters greatly. We continue to believe that, in the absence of proof of criminality, Ms Rousseff’s impeachment is unwarranted. The proceeding against her in Congress is based on unproven allegations that she used accounting trickery to hide the true size of the budget deficit in 2015. This looks like a pretext for ousting an unpopular president. The idea, put forward by the head of the impeachment committee, that congressmen deliberating Ms Rousseff’s fate will listen to “the street”, would set a worrying precedent. Representative democracies should not be governed by protests and opinion polls."

And a couple of more links from The Guardian and Der Spiegel (you know, two more "bolivarian trash"). I think it's good for you, cause it seems you're lacking sources of informations other than Veja magazine and Rede Globo TV:
"Dilma inherited this unhappy legacy and began to lose control during a period of economic decline, as corruption, thanks to independent police and prosecutors, was becoming a scandal of increasing proportions. Male prejudice against a female leader, and the grudges of a political right never wholly reconciled to the rise of Lula’s and Dilma’s Workers’ party (PT) certainly played their part. The final toxic element in the crisis was the realisation by many politicians that prosecutors could soon catch more and more of them in its net, and that a way to avoid or minimise this possibility would be to distract attention and take control of the political process by pursuing the impeachment of the head of state."
(I'd have to quote the whole text. It's a full editorial about the COUP from, you know, the bolivarian trash Der Spiegel from Germany).

You're welcome.


You need to learn how to read. None of those call it coup. Some newspapers criticized the congress, but never called it a coup.

The consensus in the international media is that it's perfectly legal.

It's hilarious that you post an article calling for Dilma to resign, because she has no credibility as a president after helping Lula to escape prison, as evidence.

Tens of millions of people went to streets to demand her impeachment. An impeachment made by an independent and transparent judiciary, conducted by elected officials and with full support of the Brazilian population.


^^ this!


You can call them brainwashed all you want to try to demoralize their protest. It is a coup. And I'm glad they're using Cannes to protest.


How are criminals being punished for their acts a coup? For far less the left supported the impeachment of Collor in the 90s.

This is not a protest, this is an act of desperation. I hope the government cut expenses by stop funding these movies.

A state financed movie industry. Only in Brazil.


Actually Brazil hasn't exactly a film industry. The only country you could say that have a film industry is the United States, also known as the only country in the world in which the movies are not (generally) state financed. All countries support their filmmakers, including european countries, otherwise we would be only watching american movies (in fact, we are very close to that right now, because they have something similar to a monopoly).


And state financed movies will only ensure it stays like that forever.



You should really stop parroting what they have been saying the entire time as their only line of defense. It makes you look stupid.

There is no coup, unless, of course, you truly believe the whole country is conspiring against the most corrupt government that ever existed in Brazil. You are talking about things you do not understand, you have absolutely zero knowledge about basic federal laws.

The due process is what is happening. They are being removed according to the law. Everything else they say and you, like them, keep parroting about is just pure conjecture and delusion.


You didn't reply to any of the points I made. You just said "you don't understand *beep* You're stupid". It just shows your inability to argue.


Because I do not need to. If you actually paid attention to what is going on, nobody would need to. Instead, you just rather close your eyes and ears to reality and believe the fairy tale the government tells you on a daily basis.

If I had to explain you everything to counter your "arguments", I would have to start explaining things happening since circa 2003. Of course I know better.


Pelo nosso Pixuleco volte MinC. Não deixe que a gente fique sem comer só pq somos petralhas.


Because I do not need to.

Yes. You showed you why you do not need to. You can't.


Are you serious?

This government is responsible for the biggest corruption scandal in human history. It is being removed by the people who's tired of these thieves and liars.

How can someone still defend it?

This won't end corruption, but it's a first step. One by one the corrupt are going to fall.

Tens of millions of people didn't go to streets demanding her impeachment for "political interests". The people want justice. Or maybe you missed the massive protests all over the country?

What she committed was a crime, and that's the reason she was impeached. By an independent and transparent judiciary and with the support of the population.

You are the losers of history. Her government will go down as the worst Brazil ever had. She sank our economy and plundered our country.

Impeachment alone isn't enough. I hope Lava Jato puts them behind bars.


Are you serious?

This government is responsible for the biggest corruption scandal in human history.

Are YOU serious?

Tens of millions of people didn't go to streets demanding her impeachment for "political interests". The people want justice.

Really? Then why their protest (and the midia especially) is so specific and protects other political parties?

You are the losers of history. Her government will go down as the worst Brazil ever had. She sank our economy and plundered our country.

So I'm assuming here you either haven't heard of dictatorship in Brazil. Or you're in favor of it.


Yes, billions of dollars in a bribe scheme that siphoned money into, among other destinations, her election campaign in 2014.

By the way, show a single general from the dictatorship period who got rich like Lula did.


I have no idea if or who of the dictators got richer. That's not related to what I mentioned above. Now if that is what you consider as which was the worst government, we simply have very different moral values.


If you bothered replying with facts instead of parroting what every one of them has been doing right now, you wouldn't be looking so stupid.

Lula/Dilma ran the country into the *beep* ground. Now they are all being prosecuted for their actions. If you truly believe the whole country is conspiring against a bunch of well known thieves, you have other issues to worry about, for instance, the advanced state of schizophrenia you have.

Either way, believe it or not, you and the rest of them "believers" will have to deal with it. Meanwhile, enjoy your $1.5 trillion dollars debt left by those scavengers.


I made my points in a post above, which you still haven't replied. While you say I look stupid, you show you have no points.


Oh yeah, because your sheer ignorance and blatant disregard of every other media outlet and their mothers pointing out to all the mischievous management of PT party totally says otherwise.

What a moron.


When someone can't argue against something, they attack the person instead of attacking the ideas. You're just showing you're inability to think over and over and over. Post by post. You can't argue, so you call me "moron" or "stupid" to try to feel smart. To compensate your lack of points. And this post of yours is the most telling of them all: you need the media to teach you how to "think".

Against the Coup in Brazil. Save democracy!


No, nothing about that, just pointing out the idiocy of your replies, because you have absolutely zero ideas posted. You are just posting a mish mash of senseless negative replies. Like I said, this conversation is most likely going to make others feel ignorant.


And you still. Haven't. Replied. To my. Points.

Against the Coup in Brazil. Save democracy!



You and people like you really underestimate the intelligence of others. Just because you can't think for yourself and follow whatever the rightwing media tells you, doesn't mean everyone else has to. Keep your pathetic boycotts to yourself or at least keep them where they are relevant, in Brazilian politics, not its movies.

Let's be merry while we may, innocent and happy Fay! Elves were made for gladness! - Lewis Carroll


Sometimes I wonder how some can survive in the world. Maybe that's why they need money from the government.

Are you saying that all the bribe scandals of the past years, the hidden properties of Lula, audio recordings of Lula threathening judges or helping criminals, the economy collapsing due to mismanagement and Dilma trying to hide it, are just an invention from the right wing media?


See, we estimated your intelligence just fine.


I estimate room temperature IQ for her.
