It IS a coup indeed
It WOULD be considered a coup if they could actually get away with all of this.
Obviously, "lava jato" is still in process and more information about corruption is shown, investigations to all the involved ones are in course. If anything, it shows the investigation is still in full steam and they will all be prosecuted according to law just the way it worked with Dilma. Don't you simply go on a limb and assume that people against Dilma and PT are in favor of Temer, because you are simply wrong.
The other explanation people might try to come up with is that the whole freaking country is conspiring against PT. To that, all I can say is that people forgot to take their meds.
To someone like me who's from Europe and lives in Europe and travels abroad a lot, it's clear that the mainstream and serious media say it's NOT a coup and the left wing brazilian govt. is one of the most corrupt governments in the world and their president is a fraud and a criminal. A friend of mine told me that in Brazil, leftist sympathizers spread the lie, all over the Internet, that the world's media supports their lying interpretation that the Impeachment process is a coup. They're lying. Editorials, both from tv and newspapers as well as every other medium make fun of their crazy president who seems to have trouble making herself understood, she's either nuts or suffers from dyslexia or both. Only a few leftist governments in South America have bought in the "coup" conspiracy theory. And these guys are bumping up the movie's score by voting massively to make people believe that the movie they haven't seen is a work of art.
They're pathetic.
And please, some of you here, WRITE ONLY IN ENGLISH. We're not supposed to know your language and we don't care about your political feuds. And we don't care. Clown.
Me obrigue.
shareJonvena, as a person who travels a lot, I can safely say that you are one of the most misinformed person on Europe. Since it was the European press that broke the silence. While the local press lied all the time.
Yesterday a audio with opposition leaders admitting it is a coup d'état leaked, by the way.
Congratulations, you have the same distorted information of a isolated person in the third world. Just decrease the you fool arrogance now.
Jonvena, by the way, I dont give a s*it if you do not speak another language,
That's your problem, and it is you who has to study, man
Wow, you're an idiot. And you obviously care, otherwise you wouldn't be here making ridiculous posts. Don't trust your "friend", go read.
Let's be merry while we may, innocent and happy Fay! Elves were made for gladness! - Lewis Carroll
And The Guardian:
Let's be merry while we may, innocent and happy Fay! Elves were made for gladness! - Lewis Carroll
And a couple more:
Damn, forgot another one:
Yeah, I'm sure all of these were bought by Lula, right? Or perhaps his trillionaire son? God, these numbnuts make me laugh. :P
Thanks, André!
Let's be merry while we may, innocent and happy Fay! Elves were made for gladness! - Lewis Carroll
Not to mention that if Lobão and Reinaldo Azevedo were agreeing with me instead of Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky, I'd surely make a major idiot of myself.
shareExactly! I'm still trying to find out how many Nobels and Pulitzers Azevedo, Lobão, Olavo, Alexandre Frota, Suzana Vieira, etc won, cause they MUST be geniuses.
Let's be merry while we may, innocent and happy Fay! Elves were made for gladness! - Lewis Carroll
PT bought the international media with a truck full of mortadelas, pass it on.
shareUnfortunately for some people really need the opinion of the international media to make up their mind. Despite of what they're saying now, it always has been a coup. Now it was just leaked.
And some idiots still want to boycott this movie for protesting against this coup.
By the way, I love that the photos of the protest are posted here.
Against the Coup in Brazil. Save democracy!
Funny thing is, these retarded people would never watch a Brazilian movie besides those awful Globo Filmes 90-minutes sitcoms. Those are all they care and all they can understand.
shareAre you people all crazy ?
This is a forum about a movie ! Not about the destitution of the Brazilian President.
Take your arguments eomwhere else please !
Have you even seen this movie ? It has no connection whatsoever to Brazilian or any other country's politics.
Besides, as political discussions go, yours are not flying very high. If you need conspiracy to promote your ideas, they will not go far, and you will get a Trump as president.
So, GO AWAY. Unless you want to discuss the movie itselfafter you have seen it.