This is trash? Really? To me, Walking Dead is just as bad, if not worse.
I can make a huge list of stupid *beep* on Walking Dead. People
on here talk about how stupid the Doc is, but almost every character
on Walking Dead is horrible, same for Fear Of WD. Look at Carol,
the personification of horrible character writing. Out of nowhere,
after killing hundreds of humans and millions of zombies (including
killing friends sick with a flu and A LITTLE GIRL!!!) she never
once had a problem with it, in fact, she taught kids how to be better
killers, yet, because they needed to give her something to do, she
suddenly "never wants to kill again" (despite her anger at Morgan
over his pacificity) just because. God, and she is such a bore about
it too...
I can go on and destroy Walking Dead easily... how about the jumping
the sharkness of the last season cliffhanger "Who did Negan kill?"
It was so painfully gimmicky, and such a ratings trap, that it ruined
the remaining enjoyment I had from the show. And Negan... man, not
since X-Men: Apocalypse have I seen a worse adaptation of a comic book