MovieChat Forums > Van Helsing (2016) Discussion > Why doesn't Vanessa just let the vampire...

Why doesn't Vanessa just let the vampires bite her?

She's the cure. Shouldn't that be a bigger deal to people? She's such a threat, 3 waves of vampires came to kill her. If I was them, I would drain her blood every now and then like Axel did for Doc, make a bunch of super soakers and just aim for the mouth. Or at least try to make a vaccine of some kind using her blood. There's got to be a somewhere they could do it.

In episode 9 one of them bit her, looked like it was turning, but then she stabbed all of them. So did she murder someone who was turning? That part confused me too.

You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.


hafaball-1, i agree w/ everything you wrote. the fact Vanessa is basically a surefire cure to the vamp-a-pocalypse doesn't even seem like it's all that big a deal to the vamps OR the humans in the show! lol. i figured her blood cure would be THE driving goal for the humans (what's left of their group).

even on the first 2 seasons of SyFy's Z-NATION one of the character's (he/she was bitten several times by zombies but never turned into one him/herself) blood the possible zombie cure and the main group of character's #1 goal (in the first 2 seasons) is to get this cure/person from one part of the US to a lab on the opposite side of the US. it's treated (as it should be) as THE most important goal whereas on VAN HELSING the Vanessa/blood cure thing seems to be treated as an afterthought.

and i too noticed the woman(?) vamp in ep.9 who after biting Vanessa started to turn back and yet Vanessa killed her anyways. i found that bizarre and unnecessary.


Yeah I thought with the help of Axel and Doc, they'd slowly build up their group using Vanessa's blood, make a little army, meet up with the Resistance group and join forces to fight the mega-vampires. But the show is going in such a weird direction I don't know what to expect, which is good, but also it makes all the people look really dumb, not using her blood as some kind of advantage. Even this last episode they were running out of bullets I figured she'd say "Everyone run! Let them bite me!" But nope, they cut them all up. It's really weird. And now with Axel possibly gone and Doc wanting to be a vampire again it's like the writers wrote themselves into a corner. To me at least.

I never saw Z-Nation because it just looked really bad, but maybe I should have since those writers seem to understand writing in the importance of a cure more than the Helsing writers do. Why even have that aspect when you don't utilize it at all? I can understand that one vampire bite almost killed her, but that was from a super diseased one, so kill those and let the others live 😂

You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.


The best shot they had was making something out of Vanessa's blood when they were at the Farm...but that place was radioactive. There has been no mention that some lab exists somewhere that is up and running and COULD make something out of her blood (an antidote). So how exactly would a group of humans with no functioning lab or scientists sophisticated enough to manufacture an anti-virus do so in this post apocalyptic wasteland? The world in Z Nation is different because it's a different show.

And in terms of using her blood as a weapon (spraying it at vampires or dipping bullets, blades in it) there's certainly no guarantee that would work. Whatever that caterpillar thing was in her blood would suggest it's some kind of virus or organism causing vampirism. If that's true most viruses don't survive exposure to the air...hence biting being the only means of transferring it. Seems pretty basic to me. Do you really need a character to say that or try that so that her actions make sense?

Last, Vanessa has to kill vampires to protect both herself and her friends. She can still be ripped apart by them and die, even though she's immune to their bites. And I thought they said the feral types of vampires die from biting her? So stabbing one after it bit her was just speeding up its death.


I know Vanessa can heal (though under certain circumstances she can't) but letting every vampire bite her? No, that's too dangerous. She could die.

make a bunch of super soakers and just aim for the mouth

Vanessa's blood needs to enter their bloodstream in order for the vampires to turn back.

Or at least try to make a vaccine of some kind using her blood. There's got to be a somewhere they could do it.

I am pretty sure that's going to be the plan soon.


When she went out and tried that instead of biting her they dog-piled on her and chained and muzzled her and took her to their leader. I assume she can die, appears not from blood loss but I am sure taking her head off would do the trick. Hard to regrow one of those.

If they put Vanessa's blood on their bullets every time they hit a vampire it would die or turn back.


If I was them, I would drain her blood every now and then like Axel did for Doc, make a bunch of super soakers and just aim for the mouth.

Depending on how much of her blood is needed to turn a single vampire human again, I was thinking hollow point bullets with a drop of her blood in the hole and then sealed with something. I've seen this done with poison in various movies.

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