Is there anybody worth rooting for besides......Spoilers!!!
Is there any body worth rooting for besides Vanessa? At this rate the world might be better off under vampire rule, considering how disloyal, dishonorable, and cowardly almost every human is that is left. This whole thing of killing off likeable characters is being mishandled. Just like the constant betrayal (this isn't Mission Impossible or The Bourne Identity) it's the vampire apocalypse. Is all this intrigue really needed? I was starting to like the show but they are getting rid of characters that fans of the show have a reason to want to come back and watch it. It's way too early to be killing people off. And all of this betrayal is boring and predictable. I'm hoping the season finale is not a let down. I really like Vanessa and the actress that plays her, but she can't carry this series alone.