Does it get better?

Let me start saying that I was not expecting some great plot and acting. I can enjoy a fun action series if the writing is not too dumb. But I was still disappointed, and after having watched 3 episodes, I wonder if it's worth to continue.

Most characters are dumb, boring or irritating. Even the main character is kind of annoying as the "reluctant hero" trope, as she keeps repeating she's nothing special while everyone can see how special she is. Well, maybe not, because having the cure for the vampire plague apparently is no big deal for any of the characters.

I could forgive all this if at least it were fun. I did expect some fun action and fighting, but it seems the series takes itself too seriously to allow that. There is just some dull shooting and stabbing, with lots of gore. The vampires themselves are uninteresting, visually or otherwise, more like talking zombies.

So, does it ever get better?


I would wish to know that two! Have seen 2 episodes now...... and Idk.............


Simple answer NO.

I just watched 13 episodes of season 1 on netflix, and no it does not get better, it goes slowly and somewhat painfully downhill.
The Director Amanda Tapping is a good as an actor, but her style of directing needs more experience. And the writing feels more like mini series not like a real series.
About the only redeeming quality of the Vanessa Van Helsing series is that Kelly Overton is mostly attractive.

My rating of this series is about 1.5/10 . Dec.30.2017


I watched all of season one of which it got steadily worse, gave up by the third episode of season two, the acting and writing is abysmal whilst many of the vampires act more like zombies than creatures of the night.


Just stared watching it.

It’s garbage.

It’s got so much going for it, but nothing makes sense.

No one cares they have a woman who can cure vampires.

No body cares that her blood kills ferals.

No body cares how much she heals.

It’s beyond disbelief.

Like why the hell didn’t they take a pint of her blood and I don’t know dip their knives in it? Bullets? Syringes? Hell look for some tranq darts and fill them with her blood.

Why didn’t they try and reverse doc faster? Was a couple episodes in before soldier boy thought “hey can you help my friend”.

Why did doc close the door twice. When both times there was ample time for the person to get through. I get she panicked the first time. But the second? They have the fucking cure getting bit doesn’t mean shit.

Also this is not how you create good characters. Literally none of them bar Mohamed and to an extent Vanessa have been likely and done stuff that has made them likeable. Axel kills that guys wife. John was just a raging asshole. Doc well she is a massive coward who just acts like a bitch. Flesh is eh ok once you get past the whole when he was a vampire he did some terriable shit. Nicole was a total bitch. The second group of survivors were idiots and fucked up a lot. Oh and back to Axel killing them all essentially. And Sam we later find out is well evil. Susan is probs the 3rd character who is ok.

Like how do you make this work? When most the characters taking up screen time you can’t relate too and well hate? Who is writing this and thinking “oh let’s not give these people any redeeming qualities.”

How it’s made it to three seasons is beyond me. Maybe because the action is pretty good when it happens and the actual bad guys are intimidating and play good bad guys.

Also can we address the fact that it’s way to bright. That somehow no UV is getting through to hurt these guys but in some spots it’s super obviously just straight daylight.
