Dean Andrews

I noticed that in one of the reviews for "Jericho" someone mentioned that the wrong Dean Andrews had been entered in the cast list for the first episode.

I have submitted a correction. If anyone else notices any errors or omissions let me know.

Sparks Moran: "It was dusk. I could tell 'cause the sun had gone down"


That's decent of you. But it's enabling lazy whiny people to do what they should be doing.

People, don't complain about IMDb errors. Its accuracy relies on contributions from users, users such as you. If you see an error, find the Edit this Page button at the root of the page and submit the amendment, correction or deletion.


As a regular unpaid contributor I encounter this all the time - especially where they have not bothered to check a crew member's filmography and have registered them as more than one person when they are a single artist.
