A whole new level of stupid

I really didn’t think it was possible for this show to get any dumber. Crashing two starships into the desert to stop an avalanche that somehow magically appears to propagate for several miles over level terrain and, oh the ships are totally fine. SMDH. Who writes this crap?

Oh and apparently sometime in the 10,000 or so years between now and when this is set they lost the secret of Ozempic. It appears that Tilley wasn’t quite rotund enough in the last season.

One episode and I’m done. I honestly don’t care about what happens to any of these characters.


They crashed a ship to stop an avalanche? There must be an easier way to do that.

It's funny looking back a season 1 Tilly, we all called her fat then, she was fat, but now shes morbidly obese.

You made it all the way to season 5 before giving up? That's impressive.


Right? I saw some compilation video on YouTube that included a snip from S1 and I was like "Wow she wasn't that big back then." Yeah, honestly now it's more morbid curiosity or hate-watching. Ep2 is even dumber if that's even conceivable. I mean script continuity and cause-and-effect seem to be completely foreign concepts. Just nothing makes ANY sense.


I know, that was the stupidest thing I have seen them do in trek. Where is Geordi and his "out of box ideas". Captain, if we can use our shields and bounce it off our deflector array, we may be able to extend our range into the planet's atmosphere and contain the avalanche while our phasers can melt the rock to create a natural wall.


Yeah, Tilly gets fatter every season, it's like there is no standards in Star Trek no more. I think the season ended because by Season 6 she'd be a space whale going where no whale has sailed before.


But didn’t she break the ship record for running a half marathon or some such, in one episode?


Record for slowest finish ever lol.


I have no issues with Tilley's body shape, but her character and all of the others are just a bunch of whiney office bitches. They belong in some mail room filing papers with their attitudes.
