MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > Why Discovery is the best Star Trek ever...

Why Discovery is the best Star Trek ever made

No, this is not satire.


Disagree with what they say about Lorca


No, you mean worst.


Has to past ten seasons, so I'll answer in 2027.


The author seems to know a bit about Trek but I think they are in the pockets of CBS because it is clearly still finding its feet and far from the best.

Burnham being able to deliver a Vulcan neck pinch, Lorca having a tribble on his desk, the entire spore drive thing, Sarek, "General order 1" being broken in the opening scenes of the pilot, "Time crystals", their Ten Forward looking like a Miami drug lord's apartment circa Christmas 1986, huge dorm rooms, prisoners getting to walk around a high security ship, convincing the ship's computer to shut off a shield, holodeck simulation, Admirals having sex with captains, the font and size of the Klingon subtitles, the Klingons themselves, Michael retaining memories in enough incarnations of her reliving time, katra communication, quoting Alice in Wonderland to oneself whilst being chased, DISCO t-shirts and walking 30 km instead of taking a shuttle, the list goes on about how shoddily written some aspects of this show are.

Doug Jones is great but then so was John Billingsley, where was his mention? Sonequa Martin-Green puts in a fine performance despite the poor script and Rapp and Isaacs definitely help balance the show out in their roles. Mary Wiseman has landed the Harry Kim role here and it is showing badly, Latif has potential but I'm thinking he'll remain eye candy and that's it. The entire cast worth talking about.

Next Gen took a whole two seasons to get it right and so Discovery should be given lots of room too but c'mon writers - stop paying homage to fans poorly, stick to new stuff and if you have to go the current storytelling season's arc way pay attention to the details.

It's not the best Trek ever made, so far though it ranks above Voyager.


I like the comments following the article. Basically debunking it... lol
