Question about movie

To anyone who has seen this, I was curious about the ending. I had a screenplay idea -- never wrote it out, though, and probably won't now -- that pondered sort of the opposite premise: there is proof there is no God or afterlife, and people react to that. (Unless I got this wrong, in this film, the proof is there is a God and Heaven.)

In my story, the ending would have shown that there was an error in the scientific procedure, and that in actuality, the original results did not disprove God...they actually proved the existence of the deity. Then the population reacts to that.

I'm curious if maybe the ending here is similar. It probably isn't, but again, just curious. So if anyone has seen it, I'd be interested in knowing. Thanks. Looks like a good film, hope I feel the same after I eventually see it.


Unless I got this wrong, in this film, the proof is there is a God and Heaven.

You did get it wrong. That's not what the film suggests. I won't post a spoiler because it sounds like you want to see it.
