The biggest DOOFUS that ever was a human
Funny this guy has half a billion dollars ripping off the weak and pushing people around he's all gruff now F bombing this F bombing that how's that going to help When this doofus was young did he constantly curse like this ... life is all about cell phones sex reproducing and cursing and going weeeee weeeeee fun happy joy joy sex on the internet MONEY BEING RICH LIVING RICH... And lost his voice from preaching crap all the time... Life is a bunch of crap your born you go through whatever and then your gone for infinity. What's there to preach about. Nothing. Fact everyone will be gone and then will be here... gone and then will be here... Or if the planet turns to crap humanity will just dissolve. Which I will never see I don't think... So far Clinton or Trump might be the beginning of the end of us all. So this movie with all his cheesiness more of my money wasted by Netflix. Made this pointless documentary on this guy who since the so called perfecto 80's was Mr. arrogant Cheese.
Basically this whole thing is so far from anyone's lives you can't even fathom... I never understood any of this... What's different from this guy from my two shrinks. I tell the same things to my shrinks my problems are more severe but I am not in a room for 6 days with 2500 people that you can hug and feel fake love and spend 5000 dollars... Get real give me a break... I knew watching this two hour thing would piss me off.
The one thing I guess it was real was that attractive girl that was abused based on spirituality or whatever it was... I feel for people who get sexually abused and who grow up and they're really attractive but so scared they are practically ruined for life. Some get through it some live the same trauma over and over again they never get over it.... There is abuse that I live with never ever find love and your near 50 that's a problem. By that point you lose yourself so bad you become detached and you don't even know who you are... That's really bad and sort of a invisible abuse unloved ignored not attractive.