MovieChat Forums > One of Us (2016) Discussion > Who Actually Cares Who Murdered The Guy?

Who Actually Cares Who Murdered The Guy?

So far....the viewers haven't got any reason to invest any interest in the characters due to poor storytelling on behalf of the writers. why do they expect us to know or care why any of the murders occurred?


I think it's more the mystery of why he was making his way there in the first place ....sure he may have killed the couple, sure he may be a drug addict....

but how did he get their postcode and why was he going there...

it's the mystery that lures the viewers in and I am starting to think now that the key to all this is Grace


I doubt he killed the couple. I think when he broke in their house their throats were already slashed, and due to fear / loss of self-control he foolishly picked up the knife. Or he didn't even break out, he might have known them and was just visiting (why steal their stuff? Well, they no longer needed them and he was a junkie).

We've been getting quite a few subtle hints about that, with the strongest being Adam's fear when he called his dad from Spain. Adam must have been involved with the wrong kind of people, and these are likely to be the real murderers due to Adam's debts or some other reason.

Now, why was he going to the parents? I honestly have no idea, to tell them he didn't kill them? But that makes little sense, what else would he say? And they would surely call the police, presumed guilty or not. Maybe he knew who killed them or was a witness or something.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


I am also thinking that he did not kill the couple.

If he had killed them, why was there not sufficient blood stains on his clothing????

"Look upward... and share the wonders I have seen" John Crichton, Farscape


Totally agree. Couldn't care less if Kim Jong Un set off one of his fireworks in their farm. Total drag. Diabolical writing, acting and direction.
