MovieChat Forums > One of Us (2016) Discussion > Who do you think it was?

Who do you think it was?

At the moment I think someone, maybe the mother from the murdered girls family hired the junkie to kill Adam, (sorry if I've gotten the name wrong), but he ended up killing them both. Whoever hired him, I think he was coming to see that person to get paid and they are the one that killed him.

You'll learn to hate me/ But still call me baby/ OhLove/ So call me by my name


My money is on Juliet Stevenson.


interesting theory.
I am going to go in another direction
I think it was Grace's brother
he is obviously obsessed with Adam's sister (blonde girl)
maybe he was so jealous and obsessed, he hired someone to discredit or hurt Adam but went wrong and his sister was killed too
Druggie bloke was on his way to get his money then things went pete tong
cant wait for next weeks episode


I think it was Anna...reasons not clear yet but she seems very obscure and it will make for an interesting twist


This is a weird theory and probably be way off.

Consider this. The Elliot marriage ended due to an affair between Graces mum and Adams dad resulting in the conception of Grace which would make her and Adam brother and sister.
Adam and Grace grow up best friends, fall in love blah blah blah.
Grace gets pregnant and someone probably grace's mum had them killed because they didn't want the baby to be born.


why then would they allow the marriage to take place? and they were young lovers- probably got together as teenagers, which case wouldn't one of the families have moved away to avoid such a situation?

my money is still on the turf war between the police woman and Adam, Grace was collateral and Anna is some how in the middle of it all


I was thinking it was Rob's girlfriend as the dead guy was her rapist, but that's wrong as I forgot Rob was stalking the rapist in the earlier scenes. I strongly suspect Rob and the girlfriend are involved, Rob keeps twanging the elastic around his wrist so has some kind of addiction, but my gut feeling says the girlfriend, especially her steely-eyed comment about "karma".


I am starting to think Grace was the target and all this is actually about her ...perhaps her husband was the collateral and she is in fact the key to all this


The thought that Grace was the target has crossed my mind too.

I think Claire (Joanna Vanderham) is the killer. She found the junkie's body, was the only one who seemed bothered by his murder and didn't want to cover it up. Her giving him first aid, the writers having her mother show the postcode and the bloodied knife to her, and her saying "one of us did wasn't me..." could be significant as well. What's also interesting is she's the one who informed both her older brother and father about Adam's death. Plus she comes across as a compassionate person, she might have met the drug addict while volunteering in a soup kitchen.

Either Grace wasn't this perfect little angel and Claire wanted to "protect" her beloved little brother from her or there was something more sinister going on: she felt more than sisterly love for him (or at least was very possesive towards him) and and wanted her sister in-law out of the way. But this sounds pretty far-fetched so I'm probaby way off.

šŸ‚ Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~Confucius


think Allistar is graces dad and he killed the couple and the baby
the killer saw him and was coming to Scotland to confront him


I think whoever did do it bribed the Junkie to keep his mouth shut.

I think he was coming back to collect more money and/or tell the families because the money wasn't enough and he couldn't deal with the guilt very well.

I think people maybe right about Allistar but I hope he isn't the killer of the junkie and it is in fact Moira Douglas and/or Bill Douglas.

Moira because she didn't want the affair to get out and Bill because he in fact knew about the affair all along.

Or I hope it was one of the Elliots just because by the sounds of it they didn't recieve much justice over the rape and they therefore took matters in their own hands this time. But I hope it is Claire in that case because she seems so innocent but I hope she is more guilty of something than what is already known.

I think whatever the case there will be some dark discoveries this finale episode.


I am quite excited about it...looking forward to the finale


look who was right!


haha wasn't me! i was a tad disappointed with the eventual outcome but enjoyed the programme.
however said about the brother and sister was right just got the parents wrong :):)
