Rupert Penry-Jones

I have enjoyed this actor in many British productions and I am a fan. I loved him in Persuasion. He and the young actress who played his daughter, the princess, certainly elevated this Christmas movie. Even though he played a bit of a big girl's blouse in this by allowing his "minder" to bully him unmercifully. How they got him to agree to star in this piece of cliched fluff is bewildering. It perhaps would have been better with another actress playing Allie, our heroine. I don't have anything against Dana, but she just wasn't my cup of tea in this. Why do these hallmances always hire 40 year old actresses to play 20-30 year olds? As usual they have to wear way too much make-up. The writing was pretty good in this as far as Dana's lines. Fish out of water stories can be amusing.


Interesting, because I wondered what he was doing in the film too. He's bigger than most of the people they get for these films. I loved him in MI-5.


I can't help but think he was snookered into this, somehow.***edit**12/09/2016. I think I know what happened. He probably thought he was doing a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, which have bigger budgets, bigger stars, and better writers. Many are quite respected. Being English, he probably didn't realize the difference.


This is a start somewhere in America I'm guessing, he is in this side of the pond since he just joined the cast of the Strain so doing this might not be a bid deal for him, I like Danica and I thought Rupert was too much to handle for her but still I think she did good job overall, Ive seen some American actors doing these kind of movies, ie Bradley Cooper, also like 2 or 3 years ago the guy in the leading role in Outlander did a movie like this.

"Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate"


Wow. I see that: A Princess for Christmas. I remember this one vaguely, but don't remember him! Will have to look for it, for sure.


Normally Hallmark will acquire actors/actresses that are past their prime, out of work, or in a slow spot in their career...and Rupert is not lacking roles at the moment...not that I'm complaining.

I like Danica and I thought Rupert was too much to handle for her
I'm certain being enchanted by a king would be too much for most anyone to handle.


Lol that alone, but it is Rupert's presence that strikes me, ever since I saw him in Persuasion I felt for him, he is so elegant. It's a tight between Mr. Thornton & Captain Wentworth's actors for me, they are the best.

But going back to Danica, I meant acting wise since most of the English actors have such dramatic presence, but I think she did good overall, she was charming enough no to feel their chemistry awkward. I remember Katie McGrath in Princess for Christmas and her awful american accent really distracted me from enjoying the movie, but then Sam Heughan was there so he saved that one for me.

"Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate"


Mr. Thornton... ::sigh::


Katie’s accents didn’t bug me, but her fugly ball gown did. Where in hell did they dig up that green monstrosity?


Couldn't agree more. Most of the evening attire in these Hallmark movies are terrible, but that was the worst. She's a beautiful woman, but that dress made her look dowdy.


What bugs me is her underbite. LOL


Wasn't this filmed in Romania, though, not in the US?


I did not even realize she was 40. She was quite believable as someone in her 20s. And I did not notice her makeup. Some people I guess look for things like that but truly to me she was convincing and looks amazingly young for 40. Her age did not bother me but I did also feel she seemed to be not the right person for this role in this movie.


I guess I had a hard time believing anyone like Penry-Jones would fall for her. Apparently on sight.


Jealous are we? We all can't be fortunate enough to be in his company.


It's a fairy tale, not a serious film. You're already suspending your belief by accepting it takes place in a made up country.


I know right! Didn't think she was 40. Danica aged well even with all the makeup on.


She has a child-like face.


In the movie, her character says that she is 31. She had spunk and a mother's instinct for taking care of a lonely, mischievous child.


It could very well be that he's trying to get into the American market and he kind of has to pay his dues, to make it in the U.S., he'll slowly move up the ranks from Hallmark movies, to TV series, or perhaps jump to films. It's not uncommon for stars from other countries to do this to "make it" in Hollywood. :) I thought it was a cute movie, and he is most definitely king like and very handsome!


He's already on an American TV series called "The Strain". I don't think this is anything more than more $ in the wallet and perhaps something for the kids/family oriented. He does seem like a family man.


I totally agree. Whenever Rupert Penry-Jones is in anything, the room gets a bit brighter and the smiles a bit warmer (as speaking strictly for me - my heart beats a bit faster). He's one of my favorite British actors. As a romantic lead, he's definitely got the chops for it, and who wouldn't want to spend time with him alone, or be wept up in his arms for a kiss?
In the Strain he's under heavy makeup, so I'm not sure how many tv viewers even know it's him. I'm more than happy to see him in an American tv show or even a Hallmark Christmas movie.
As for Danica, she's so beautiful and absolutely held her own in this film. There was definitely chemistry between her and Rupert (or Roo as I've read he's called).
I usually give Hallmark movies a miss because of the schmaltz, but I couldn't resist this one, and I'm glad I watched it. We can all use a bit of fairy tale magic from time to time, can't we?


I was so totally surprised to learn she was that age because she looked to be in her 20's. I think she's like I was back then. When I was in my 40's, I used to be taken for a teenager. Just good genes.

She really is beautiful.


What made you think the Allie character is supposed to be in her 20s? I didn't get that impression at all, I thought she was in her early 30s, and she is, actually. In case there is any doubt....


Point taken. On the other hand in the same video Penry-Jones refers to the character as "young American girl." 😏


But in the movie, Fergus says Allie's age.


The little girl asks Danica's character how old she is and she says 31. She does look older.


To be fair, Rupert was also playing a character a good amount younger than he actually is. They mention that his wife died just before he turned 30, and the chancellor guy tells him he has had 4 years (I think - or 3) to grieve. He's 45.

I thought both of them were good. The acting overall made this movie better than others with similar stories, I thought.

I agree with whoever mentioned that the acting was better than Katie McGrath in Princess for Christmas. Her fake American accent took me out of that movie as well, and I didn't love the child actors in that one. This child actor was great.


I'm American, and I didn't mind McGrath's American accent at all. Perhaps it's because I live in an area where there are many different American accents.

Frankly, I'm much more critical of Americans who can't carry off an English accent than I am of Europeans', Aussies' or kiwis' attempts at American ones.


This movie was very cute. RPJ was good, as usual.


Even though he played a bit of a big girl's blouse in this by allowing his "minder" to bully him unmercifully.

That's not quite fair; his chancellor was guilting him, playing on his desire to do the right thing and live up to his father's example. Wanting those things hardly makes him "a big girl's blouse."

And yeah, it's cliched, but it's fun. If you just take it as a bit of fluff, turn off the critical part of your brain, and enjoy the lovely performances from RPJ and the little girl, it's not a bad way to spend a couple of hours.
