@beto...we were talking about the nicest children's book ever :p So, you were saying you think the book isn't a literal thing and more just a metaphor for something inside of him?
Considering I was questioning whether it was real or not too, I could see that. It could possibly have been made as yet another defensive wall in David's mind. The Angry Boy and Goiter Goblin...oops, that what I call him for now, lol...I mean, TDWYE, clearly act as his sort of mind army to ward off invaders while also wrecking havoc of their own.
I saw someone suggest on Reddit that maybe his father read that to him with the purpose of creating a defense or at least some sort of deflection of David himself. A thing to blame all his troubles and bad actions on, in a way. I thought that was an interesting theory. Either way David's memories are being edited/altered in some way to keep him from some deep, dark stuff. He did that to himself or maybe, just perhaps, someone got their first and did it for him.
What a tangled web.....