I used to work at an upscale salon in downtown Cleawater, FL, which is the other big center besides LA for the SeaOrg, another "campus" if you will, and you hit the nail on the head with your description of the people who are members. Incredibly intelligent people, but rich, white, creative types, often bullies, and often what I'd describe as former betas, just as you said. People who were used to being, shall I say, picked on, for lack of better words.
The whole downtown area was comprised of mainly their real estate, block and blocks bought up by them, so that tells you their numbers in the area. The strangest thing was that the SeaOrg members walked around like zombies, very hard to engage in any type of conversation, maybe because I wasn't a member and they could sense that because of my use of vocabulary. Anyway, 99.999% of my clientele were Scientologists, many of the clients were the major celebrities within the "church," like Kelly Preston, Kirstie Alley, etc, and it was very seldom to have a non-member come into the salon, but you could tell when they weren't a member because they were usually much friendlier! Not sure if that had something to do with the pressures put on members or what, but definitely a different air to the two types of clients we had.
Off the subject, but one of the scariest situations I've been in was when Anonymous would come in to protest the church. They were never violent, of course, but I was always afraid that they'd take me for a member! When they came in, were were briefed on how to act, but the Scientologists were SO good at ignoring them, probably because they were trained by being locked in a cage and screamed at for days, desensitizing them and teaching them not to react to ANYTHING.
So damn strange.