MovieChat Forums > My Scientology Movie (2017) Discussion > Any other good Scientology documentaries...

Any other good Scientology documentaries?

Yesterday I watched both "Going Clear" and "My Scientology Movie" and am fascinated by this subject.

Can anyone recommend any other Scientology documentaries that I could watch?

Thanks in advance.


I remember this being a good one:

It got a fair amount of press at the time (at least in the UK), because they managed to push the presenter John Sweeney into losing his temper, I mean even for that moment alone its worth a watch.


Ah, I do vaguely remember this when it aired. Can't remember if I actually watched it or not though. I'll check it out.



Scientology and Me (Panorama) then the follow up The Secrets of Scientology.Both are made by the BBC with John Sweeney.


Just watched them both. The first was a little lacklustre but the follow up was very interesting. Thanks.


'Scientologists at War' is a good one. It's where I first saw the Squirrel-Busters footage and how the church bought the house opposite Matty Rathburn's, blacked out the windows and kept filming him and his family.

What I liked about this one is the ex-church members who continue to practice their beliefs.


That was a good one. Thank you for the recommendation.


I found that the 20/20 special with Leah Remini called "Troublemaker Actres Leah Remini and Her 30 Year Life in Scientology" was very interesting. You can find the full documentary on youtube. I know Actress is spelled incorrectly but that's how it's spelled on youtube so you'll need to just copy and paste to find it.


On the heels of that is also the A&E series Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


I highly recommend Leah's A&E series.


Leah's A&E series is absolutely worth watching, it brings a more personal and emotional tone and I feel like it does the best job explaining why a person would believe in Scientology.

I think the subject is fascinating beyond just documentaries, there are a lot of great interviews online with ex-members that really shed more detailed light on certain things like LRH's last days, David Miscavige taking over, celebrities and their scandals, all the crazy policies. The Lip TV is a youtube channel with in-depth interviews, and both Tony Ortega and Mark Bunker have their own channels with some really cool stuff. Mark likes to post older videos of things like depositions of LRH's son Ron DeWolf who basically helped create Scientology--he reveals QUITE a lot of really interesting information about LRH's personal life and his true nature.

Also Tony Ortega's blog The Underground Bunker always has updates and invaluable information and it's a great resource, a lot of commenters are ex-members so you get to see a kind of discussion that's hard to find anywhere else on the Internet.
