Leah's A&E series is absolutely worth watching, it brings a more personal and emotional tone and I feel like it does the best job explaining why a person would believe in Scientology.
I think the subject is fascinating beyond just documentaries, there are a lot of great interviews online with ex-members that really shed more detailed light on certain things like LRH's last days, David Miscavige taking over, celebrities and their scandals, all the crazy policies. The Lip TV is a youtube channel with in-depth interviews, and both Tony Ortega and Mark Bunker have their own channels with some really cool stuff. Mark likes to post older videos of things like depositions of LRH's son Ron DeWolf who basically helped create Scientology--he reveals QUITE a lot of really interesting information about LRH's personal life and his true nature.
Also Tony Ortega's blog The Underground Bunker always has updates and invaluable information and it's a great resource, a lot of commenters are ex-members so you get to see a kind of discussion that's hard to find anywhere else on the Internet.