MovieChat Forums > Mother! (2017) Discussion > Holy fuck, Jennifer Lawrence was amazing...

Holy fuck, Jennifer Lawrence was amazing!

She was TERRIFIC in this film! She was completely astonishing and excellent showing her emotions and how she got terrified in the movie. I would even nominate her an Oscar for Best Actress if not win, because she is one of 2017. These people who voted her for Worst Actress are just idiots who they believe she’s actually a bad actress because they don’t like her as a person, but she actually gave one of her very best performances yet. This is a huge mistake and she don't deserve this an insult for her performance. She was absolutely amazing on her role in insane film.


I agree, she did a great Job!
First I did not like her, but now I saw Mother! and Red Sparrow where she has also been amazing!


Hmmm, not really. Her performance was weakest of the leads and earned her a Razzie nom. She looked the part and did a competent job but I wouldn't call her amazing.


Thank you!! An argument for conciousness seemed imperative when I saw post headline. Didn't know she got a Razzie nom, but well deserved. Between her actual material to work with and output, it took very little time to be come infuriated & annoyed beyond belief with character etc. Choking on rage from unrealistic stupidity is about as worst as one can get from a movie experience.


Especially when they ripped her tits out of her top 👌


Her tits were amazing anyway.
