MovieChat Forums > Troy: Fall of a City (2018) Discussion > As a Greek I find this race switching ou...

As a Greek I find this race switching outrageous and racist towards Greeks

Even if it's a legend Achilles was Greek/European and not an African ,this is just liberal race baiting there are many black figures in history and literature if they want to make a movie DON'T STEAL OUR MYTHS&HISTORY neoMarxist fools!How would you feel if there was a white actor playing Othello it would not make sense or Sakka Zulu or Martin Luther King or Mandela or Malcolm X or Obama


It’s pathetic virtue signalling, many of the libtards at the BBC fail to see that this is racism.


And it's not historically accurate


Even if it was a myth, Homer described Achilles as having blonde/golden hair. There's absolutley no room to fuck this up except for the fact that the BBC, like all liberal institutions now, feel the need to erase white people from their own history. Even that Cheddar Man being the first Briton thing was a complete farse.

It's so obvious what is happening here and yet any time white people complain about it they get dismissed as racist bigots for not accepting a complete bastardization of their history.
