MovieChat Forums > Color Out of Space (2020) Discussion > basically a rural version of Annihilatio...

basically a rural version of Annihilation (spoiler)

an unknown phenomena that mutates everything around it. they just made the same film only in a smaller scale.


I definitely got that vibe, but Annihilation, for what it is worth, at least had philosophical ambition going for it, whereas Color Out of Space was just trying to be fun and crazy. Both films succeeded at what they were trying to do in my opinion.


Was Annihilation written almost a hundred years ago by H.P. Lovecraft too?


Pretty much what I was going to post. I haven't seen this movie and I don't want to, but the original Colour Out of Space story is great.


I enjoy almost all of Lovecraft's stories. Especially At the Mountains of Madness.


VanderMeer was absolutely influenced by Lovecraft's Color Out of Space when he wrote the novel. (Mind you, I've not seen him say as much in an interview or anything, but I don't see how it could be denied.)


I saw this as kinda an unofficial prequel to Annihilation. This movie is what would've happened to the people who witnessed the Annihilation meteor land.
