MovieChat Forums > Ozark (2017) Discussion > Another poster compared this to...

Another poster compared this to...

Breaking Bad, and not in a favorable way. I agree. Breaking Bad was a great show, with a moral center. This show lacks that center, except in a offhanded, dotting the "i"s way. It reflects the state of cinema today: Forget about character development and story arc. Just include enough violence, gore, and hot-button issues of the day, and let it go at that.


There aren't many shows that are going come out favorably compared to Breaking Bad.


there are some similarities (drugs, cartels, being caught between large ominous forces, your family in the middle)

i think ozark is pretty awesome. even more compelling in the second season.

i also like the class conflict going on in the drama, which BB largely lacked.

its in many ways less gimmicky than BB, the wife especially in BB always bugged me.

just different treatments, both excellent in different respects.
