Beautiful Movie

I have to recommend the ghost story film on Netflix entitled, "I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House"

A lot of poor reviews on Netflix and IMDb, a lot of 1's poor poor bored people... 5.something on IMDb.

It was pure poetry... some might hate it the way I hate the Paranormal Activity sequels... when I say nothing happens... that's what they'd say about this movie... but unlike those, I loved this. The big difference is that this was full of poetry and ambiance and atmosphere, and Paranormal Activity was really lacking in aesthetic... there's an art to this movie, it's everywhere... in the dialog, in the scenery, in the wallpaper, in the pacing, and in the story. It's pure story.

I think it's possibly explained in the narration at the end:

"I have heard myself say, that a house with a death in it can never again be bought or sold by the living, it can only be borrowed from its ghosts. And so it is. The house that stands at the end of Teacup Road, near the town of Braintree, Massachusetts. You may borrow it from me. Because the memory of a death is a thing that stays, pressed deeply in place like type on paper. Even after it has been covered up with nothing left to see. And still I think I'll stay for one more look at her. This is how I let myself rot. The pretty thing you are looking at is me."

To me it means all things of history are the forgotten lives of those who have died... within the ground, the walls, are their memories, once so meaningful to them, so pretty so hopeful... and when we look at them, we bring them back to life to get another look at the world through us.

I found the movie quite beautiful.



agreed! This film was a work of art crafted by good acting, directing, music, script and photography. It has all the hallmarks of a Stan Kubrik movie. 10/ 10

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


Yes, I also thought it was a beautiful film, and genuinely creepy.


It was meandering and slow. The plot was paper thin. You extracted that meaning from a 2 minute scene at the end, half of which is repeated in the opening of the film. I agree it was beautiful in the way it looked, but the lead turned in a weak,unengaging performance (she was already living as a ghost basically) and if that was the point, I got it 30 minutes into the movie. Then it dragged on for another hour. It is not a film for everyone, and while I'm happy it resonates with you, this deserves the middle-of-the-road score it Currently has.


Thanks. I can understand why people feel that way.

👣 Web


it's definitely a polarizing film. it really is 9 or 10/10 vs 1 or 2/10. i think it's dismissive of others to say things like "if you need gore" or "if you need things spoon fed to you" though, as i am seeing other posters say. while i do happen to enjoy a gorefest, I wasn't expecting that type of film based on the tv-14 rating / the trailers. i stand by my assessment this is a film that relies heavily on the visual aspect, and the performance of one person. if the performance doesn't click with you, it's going to be a tough watch to engage with.


This is one of those films that needs to be seen on the big screen. Not the best Netflix film.


Incredibly beautiful movie. The cinematography, the words and her voice, that house. And genuinely creepy as well. A slow, isolated, atmospheric build up. I loved it. I can see how it's not for everyone, especially those that need their movies spoon fed to them and their horror to be gore filled. I'll recommend this movie to everyone and I myself will watch it again and again.


I agree, this film is totally awesome. I gave it a 9/10. Sincerely, it's one of the best haunted house films that I've ever seen.


I enjoyed this movie, and I agree with the OP. Beautiful movie.


Glad to see the comments in this thread. This was one of the finest haunted house films I have seen in such a long time. Hope to make it a Halloween tradition. The genre has become so full of gore and predictable jump scares. This film is reminiscent of the original Haunting of Hill House and The Others. Atmospheric and truly scary in places.


jmb, thank you for a beautifully written "defense" of this film, though it really needs no defense to those who respond to it, and nothing will convince the army of the bored who are well-represented here on IMDb that they have missed out on something poetic.

Sad to see so many people downgrading this all-too-rare example of an intelligent horror film. I felt the same way about "The VVitch" which I also enjoyed but many people didn't.

The problem with just saying "well, if you like gore and shocks, don't watch this one", is that the product the studios turn out ends up being 97% idiotic movies with unconvincing in-your-face menaces, and 3% are thoughtful films like this one. I've no problem with the gore-hounds, I just wish moody Gothic entries like this weren't so incredibly rare.


Bravo, and thank you. I too loved The VVItch, and even bought the limited silver marble vinyl soundtrack the day it was released on Mondo.

👣 Web


I've watched this film twice now, back to back viewings - I can't believe so many people were bored! What a beautiful piece of cinema... reminded me at various times of Under the Skin... very atmospheric. It was brilliant seeing Ruth Wilson hold the screen so much, God, I'm going to watch it again tomorrow. How could people be bored by this??

One of the best subtle Gothics I've seen in a very long time. It also reminded me of The innocents (that 60's black and white one based on Turn of the Screw).

Wow. Chills. OP hit the nail on the head when they wrote it's like watching/listening to poetry. Loved it. So different from the normal thrillers we get nowadays.


First of all, thank you for your kind words. I am so glad that my positive post has created such a firestorm of inspired people who have come out of the woodwork to share their thoughts.

The Innocents is a revelation and a masterpiece.

👣 Web


The title reminds me of The Girl Who Lives Down The Lane.

👣 Web


Oh thank god I thought I was alone when I truly enjoyed this film. And I was at times reeeeallly creeped out. It had such a great atmosphere.
I watched Penguins of Madagascar the movie after so I could go to sleep in my empty house haha!
