Ruth Wilson is annoying in this film...
I'm a huge fan of slower paced horror / gothic films. I love Lynch and Kubrick. So based on everything people said, I thought this would be right up my ally.
But right off the bat, I find the main protagonist (played by Ruth Wilson) to be extremely grating. Her personality is so...nebbish? Can't exactly put my finger on it. Maybe it's flighty?
I first noticed it during the phone call with her friend. The scene went on and on, and her raspy voice and the way she jumped back and forth - made me want to smack her lol
Then in other scenes, her behavior is so odd and unnatural. Her facial expressions almost have a tick at times. And I guess the way she carries herself, is almost childish.
This is the first time Ive really felt this way about a performance / character. Don't know what it is, beyond I guess I just find the character really grating. It's making it hard for me to stick with the film.