Upside down chair

Why did she fail to see the chair while she was on the phone?? What was the significance?


I thought the same thing when I first watched it. But the chair is hanging on the wall. It is not supernatural, just space saving.


I get that now, but when I first saw it... and thought it was supernatural, it was one of most disturbing things I've seen in a horror movie.. especially since (I thought) she was so naive to it and it was right in front of her


I felt exactly the same way! Saw the chair hanging up there all of a sudden and thought WHOA this is getting good and weird. But then...nope, false alarm. How ironic that the only thing in this movie that scared me wasn't even supposed to be scary.


I believe it was a reference to Shakers. Chairs were hung upside down to make cleaning easier and so that dust wouldn't settle on the seat. The location and the timing of Polly's life/death fits the time period


As others pointed out it's a space saving thing they did in olden days. It's definately placed in the shot on purpose, I suspect showing the character of the house.
