The ugly Yank

American Propaganda.


Yet just for a start go back & look up the Tlatelolco massacre was the killing of 300 students and civilians by Mexican military police on October 2, 1968. Then work up to the present with existence of para-military police that are corrupt cartels themselves & kill viciously. It's not US propaganda that Mexico has been experiencing some of the highest murder rates in decades, vicious murders they could hardly even put in films. Its not US propaganda that you either work for a Cartel in Mexico or you are flat out, corruption that makes Trump look like the savior.

Look at every other central & South American country, the same, gangs so violent like in El Salvador,that would make your toes curl. Or Brazil that just recorded last two years homicide rates of over 61,000 in 2017, more than Europe, Asia, North America(US/Canada) combined.

Then we can just look over at Saudi Arabia who's present leader has gone rogue and killing journalists now with death squads in Turkey. Not to mention the genocides in Yemen. And i am an extreme liberal to, but what is happening in the rest of the world compared to the US is almost borderline insane with violence. There comes a time when we have to accept a great deal of the world still living in post modern medieval times, violence & gangs rule beyond anything you can imagine. And its not propaganda, its reality, do your research.
