the cigarettes

Obviously, Rose wants to keep Chris healthy for whoever buys him. But I wonder if there's more to it. In a mind v body sort of way. Like maybe there's concern that even after the transplant, Chris's body would feel the urge to smoke so strongly, that the new mind feels it and gives in to it.


Cigarettes are unhealthy! Did you even stop to think about that before you came with your white filter hate fantasies?


an interesting notion and certainly consistent with what we see in the film


since the coagula itself is wonky non-science, it's impossible to say for sure whether the cigarette aversion is part of the process or not

Could be as simple as a way to assert control over Chris via hypnosis. Start w/ kicking smoking. End w/ kicking Chris himself into the sunken place


yeah i always thought it was more of a limit test.
if he responds, she will continue with the assimilation, etc
