Conservatives should LOVE this movie
so many morons on this board think Get Out is wacist against white people, that it is some sort of commentary on why whites are bad. uh, no. you'd know this if you paid attention to the movie.
it's actually a solid commentary about why LIBERALISM is bad. it's not about white = evil. it's about white upper class liberals who THINK they understand black people, and want to be black because it's hip and cool and they can say the n-word without being canceled. they are liberals who really don't care about the issues or problems of minorities, they think liking samuel L jackson and tiger woods automatically makes them not racist. just because they "would've voted for obama a third time" means they immune to being racism. the movie spells it out like that too. is that not every conservative accuses the left of trying to do? just pretend to understand minorities to get their votes? that's exactly what Get Out is trying to say. these are not confederate flag-waving, big truck-driving hillbillies. these are liberal doctors and psychologists. pretty clear.