Get Out is a MASTERPIECE, one of the best written horror films ever made, regardless of race. Prove me wrong.
"I didn't like GET OUT, therefore anybody who claims to like Get Out is LYING and TRYING NOT TO LOOK RACIST". Pretty much every hater of this movie.
Look, you're allowed to like or dislike any movie you'd like. As a human being, that's your right. not claim that every critic, fan, and moviegoer who disagrees with you and did enjoy the movie are trying not to be racist.
I saw Get Out without knowing a single thing about the plot, the actors, the director, or the reception. All I knew was that it was a low budget horror film, and that was it. (I once managed a movie theater and got to test screen movies before they premiered to ensure film reels didn't have flaws.) It took one viewing to realize that Get Out was a masterpiece in horror/thriller cinema, made even more powerful that it had been written and directed by a first time filmmaker who had previously made a career out of being a television comedian. When the Rotten Tomatoes score came out the following day, I was so glad that I wasn't alone. This film was near perfect! The race angle is interesting and makes the film that much stronger, but ANYBODY who grasps a basic understanding on film direction and screenwriting will tell you that Get Out is about as well made as it gets.
However, Get Out appears to have a pretty vocally loud anti-fanbase, people who claim the film is overrated, made with mediocre writing and direction, and implying that fans of the movie are just afraid of looking racist. Even taking out the race angle, even making Chris Washington a white protagonist, even removing every black actor and replacing them with a white actor, Get Out would still be a terrifying movie simply because of how tight the screenplay is, and how knowledgable the direction is. I read Jordan Peele wrote over 200 drafts of Get Out, and it's very obvious that this is at least somewhat true. This screenplay is immaculate, completely ironed out of all flaws. This only happens after a bajillion proofreadings.
Most of the complaints I've seen about the film either come from people who clearly didn't understand the film close enough, or just seem to be racist. I don't wanna be that guy that pulls the racism card over everything, but most haters of Get Out do the same thing, so why not? So, prove me wrong. What makes Get Out bad, on a fundamental filmmaking standpoint? If you think the writing and directing is mediocre or subpar, why? Give me some examples of what makes the film so overrated. Make me hate Get Out!