MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Vs. another film (spoilers)

Vs. another film (spoilers)

How do you think this compares to The Stepford Wives?

The similarities and influences are clear... I think The Stepford Wives had a much stronger ending, but I have to admit that the tension in Get Out was solid throughout the film...


I couldn't stop thinking of The Stepford Wives from the moment we first saw the maid, her spotless gloves and frock and her simpering posture. Frankly, it spoiled it for me, because I didn't think this one came up to scratch in the comparison.

I don't quite agree with you about the tension. I felt it sagged badly at the start of the third act, and for me never quite recovered. The direction was generally impressive, but somewhere around the first "we've got to get out" it seemed to lose all sense of urgency or heightened opposition.


Yeah, I agree that Stepford was superior, but I didn't have any expectations for Get Out... I think it does suffer in being compared to Stepford, which it seems the director wanted to it be... I wasn't aware of the social commentary around the movie so I just thought it was a cute homage...

I think it helped watching this in theatre with other people... I can see if I had seen it on my own, I might feel the same way...

The ending is where I think it was weak... It seemed a bit of a cop-out to with [spoiler] the TSA guy saving the day [/spoiler]

They could have gone darker...


I must admit the Stepford Wives crossed my mind while I was watching this movie too. I thought they were being hypnotised into being companions.
