
As a kid I woulda loved these Godzilla & Kong movies. Probably same with the Pacific Rim movies. But as an adult I'm not at all impressed. The entire concept that human modern weapons would have zero effect on these monsters is ridiculous. All these monster movies needed to be set back before gun powder times. Even though I think cannons & muskets wouldn't be enough to bother these monsters.

Another knock on this movie is the story. My opinion it's terrible. Another great reason for this movie to be set back in time would be you'd have places for these monsters to be hidden and not yet discovered. Better than the whole hollow earth B.S.

Let's have yet another reset and get it straight this time


So you are saying they should be set in the same time period as the dinosaurs? Did you know the original King Kong was set in 1933 and the original Godzilla was set in 1954. So we seen those movies set in those time periods already


So you want King Kong vs. Godzilla, but set during the Revolutionary War? That's what it will take to transform this from a kid's movie to one aimed at adults? I think it would still be a kid's movie, but one that might be less fun for them than one with planes and big guns.


Its not a bad idea to set these titans up with alternate history. Kong could have helped the Americans win the Revolutionary War against the British. And Godzilla could have helped Japan conquers parts of southeast Asia and China pre WW2
