The Plot...

I'm guessing stupid humans are building Mecha Godzilla and Godzilla can sense the anti-matter reactor of its body or whatever so he starts attacking the humans for challenging his rule. Humans then go to King Kong to use him as a distraction to keep Godzilla occupied until the one of them temporarily subdues the other. Either the true enemy will reveal itself near the end where they team up or it's shown in the post-credits for the next installment. Of course they'll show the might of the US military and its advanced tech that does nothing to these megalomaniacal monstrosities.


Did you see the trailor? Godzilla is the villain


Well, yeah, he's attacking the humans because they're challenging his rule as I stated. Monarch doesn't know that someone is building a Mecha Godzilla behind the scenes so they just think he's gone berserk.


Has Mecha Godzilla been confirmed?


Who cares about the plot in a movie like this? This isn't One Flew over the cuckoo's nest. I am seeing this movie cause I like Godzilla and King Kong. Not to see some deep meaningful story.


Not sure I can call humans stupid - if they are indeed the ones who built Mecha Godzilla - for creating something to protect themselves from dozens of giant walking monsters. I'm sure that's the plot, but self defense ain't wrong.


Yeah but we know how it always goes, Godzilla is king and no one will challenge his rule or die trying. :)


Indeed, it actually checks out for once compared to a lot of these kinds of movies.
