MovieChat Forums > Time After Time (2017) Discussion > Well...She Aint No Mary Steenburgen

Well...She Aint No Mary Steenburgen

I'm a sucker for fish out of water stories, but they really failed to capture the magic of the movie. The chemistry between McDowell and Steenburgen was amazing. The new woman in this one can't hold a candle to her. Steenburgen's slow-talking, city-wise New Yorker was such an incredible character. Plus, this show has such a cheap feel to it. Oh, and the villain is quite bland. He sure doesn't have the gravitas of David Warner.


Many have compared the movie to this. I didn't see the movie so I guess that gives me a different viewpoint.


You should check it out. It's got a certain charm to it that this show hasn't come close to matching. It's mostly to do with chemistry of the two leads (who met and fell in love during filming). The new show has no such chemistry with the leads.


Interestingly, other than borrowing several key and memorable lines from the '79 film, I thought they did a decent job making this 2-hour Pilot kind of fresh and it's own thing. The promos made me think they would copy the movie verbatim but they twisted it enough. I wish they had left out all of the original dialogue, though because I cringed at the parts where the Wells and Ripper actors tried to re-create the magic of McDowell and Warner.

Generally, I know what you mean, a gravitas is missing from all 3 leads although I find them all engaging enough. But the '79 film was set in San Francisco, not New York. I kind of think that Jane is not quite mean to be like Amy from the '79 movie. I mean, they even gave her a different name. Interestingly, my favorite character from the Pilot was Vanessa.


It took place in San Francisco, but I believe Mary Steenburgen's character was from NYC.


No, she was a San Franciscan. In the bank when she offered to show HG around she said "We San Fransicans are pretty proud of this old town".
