^^^ ouch queen....
Aquaman seems to be already being effected by The Average to below average WOM...
early projections put Aquaman between 70 to 75 M(some had it at 83 M) for the 3 day weekend, But now its already coming in lower than expected with 68 M
of course this is NO WHERE the 135 M + 3 day weekend you repeatedly guaranteed for Aquaman...
it seems Aquaman Is about 50 Million dollars LESS RED HOT than you were expecting
Aquaman's reviews and consensus is stunning Low, Its like the worst reviewed. decent reviewed movie ever...
WOM seems to be effecting it Literally OUT of the gate....this does not bode well for long term prospects domestically, Your repeated guarantees of A 400 M + Jumanji run is DEAD
Its going to be quite interesting to see just what kinda of drops Aquaman has in the next week, it could get ugly considering the competition and The Excellent Reviewed competition that Have Great WOM that will play good all Xmas.
thanks to an Over performance overseas Aquaman is going to be a hit and make quite a bit..but it now seems Its going to have A drastic 70/30 domestic/overseas split, which is quite unusual for DCEU films
as for The Grinch and Ralph, Ralph Opened to 84 M and The Grinch opened to 67 M..Epic Fail
As for Mary Poppins, the way you continue to make the same mistakes astonishes many times have you've just the gun and The lived to regret it?
this is not an exaggeration, every single box office site or analysts that has talked Mary Poppins Box office before it came out and now....ALL say This film is all about Legs, Literally No one expects or predicted it to open HUGE...instead they expect it to Play strong for months, Thats what Musicals do...I'm not kidding literally go read any projection or prediction from any site, They all specifically note the film wont open big but is A Long term play..
yet here you are again, Jumping the gun because you dont understand box office, claiming Mary Poppins is failing because Its not opening big...
speaking of "stacking up a pile of embarrassments" and "crawling away"
you yourself have now stacked a pretty big pile and dont seem at all to want to talk about them...
I mean you missed about as badly as anyone could possible Miss on The Grinch...
lol you predicted it to make 500 Million domestically, 1.2 Billion + WW and Dethrone Frozen as the highest Animated film of all time...
lol and you seemed to have crawled into a dark hole of silence after that Pile of embarrassment, I havent seen you address this disastrous miss ONCE...
now you've just straight SHIT THE BED with your Aquaman Aquaman isn't even close to the RED HOT box office or hype you've repeatedly guaranteed...
Your going to miss by probably more than 50 M on Aquaman's OW(worth Noting that will be the 6th film in the last year you have missed by more than 50 Million on its OW)
and I bet you 100$, you'll crawl into a hole of silence when you reply and wont dare touch the subject of Aquaman opening 50 M less than you expected, instead you'll try to turn the focus to The Grinch and Ralph and Only respond back to that subject...
so basically , probably not a good idea for you to throw out phrases like " You sure are stacking up a pile of embarrassments lately." and "Crawling Away" considering they exactly describe YOU
PS when you do the Math, Aquaman is ONLY going to make WB A small profit....I did the math in another reply to you please check that reply to witness HORROR and embarrassment...
and I dont mean Horror and embarrassment for the film or WB I mean just YOU...
Hilariously it seems Ant-Man 2 is now destined to be almost twice as successful and Profitable as Aquaman...
this has to be truly gut wrenching for you consider you've spent 6 months claiming AM2 is not very successful...
your now going to be in a position where Aquaman is less Profitable than you are going to spin Aquaman is a Huge hit for making 60 to 67.5 M in Profit and AM2 is NOT successful for making 120 M+ in profit is going to be fun to watch