This is the best picture of the year?

All signs point to it winning the Oscar, but does it really deserve it? The story of a nearly-crazed protagonist who does terrible things to people who are not even the perpetrators?

Isn't there a film with a better message than this?

This film plenty of violence. It's a lot easier to show people in pain to get attention than to make them laugh or feel uplifted.

Isn't there a film that does this?


Think of it this way, Hollywood needs to nominate films so they can pat themselves on the back. Even if films are mediocre at best, not many saw it, didn't earn that much profits, they'll take it cause of the 'arts'. They could make crappy films for the whole year but they'll still need to nominate something so this is the best thing they could choose.


Typical Martin McDonagh movie - violent black comedy.

Still not as good as his first feature IN BRUGES.

Best movie for the year by a mile was COCO - but clearly animated films are no longer considered to be BEST PICTURE as they have their own category.


I saw this recently... It was good, worthy addition to his other movies... Especially in the context of his commentary on violence in In Bruge and in Seven Psychopaths... This theme is explored here as well, in terms of dealing with anger, or rather not dealing with it... The calming and soothing qualities of love, as an antidote that allows for empathy and clearer judgement...

It reminded me a little bit of A Separation and how that movie dealt with anger and seeking justice, although it was in a less incendiary enviornment...

Solid performances for the most part. McDormand, Rockwell and Harrelson were very good.

However, Dunkirk was a superior movie... More cinematic, yet still dealt with very human emotions and ideas...


Really? Liked Darkest Hour much better than Dunkirk. Dunkirk was a massive operation with thousands of ships in the channel, yet all we saw was one old guy standing at the end of a long pier. This cannot be a Dunkirk movie for me.


I missed Darket Hour in theatre, but will check it out when it comes to Apple TV rentals later this week...


Cool, just in time for Oscars, huh?


Yeah, i guess... Lady Bird as well


Recommend you screen that one first! :)
