Destination ideas for Season 2?
If NBC doesn't renew this show, they need to a frontal cortex lobotomy.
So let's throw in our ideas about where the grandpas can go next season:
Siberia Russia - they take the transSiberian railway from Vladivostok to Moscow in the WINTER ; enjoy Russian banya massages, where Russians slap them with branches; polar bear dip in icy waters....visit old Soviet museum
China - trek on Great Wall and pull their old muscles; Beijing Forbidden City; Tibet plateau and huge Buddhist temples; panda forests in Sichuan; trek on the ancient SIlk Road in Xinjiang; learn Kung fu from Shaolin monks ;
Turkey - they enjoy the painful Turkish baths where Turkish men slap them silly; eat Turkish ice cream
Africa - CONGO :trek in the impenetrable forests and get bum rushed by angry silverback gorillas; Ethiopia - nasty wild baboons steal the grandpa's lunches
please add your suggestions....