MovieChat Forums > Better Late Than Never (2016) Discussion > Destination ideas for Season 2?

Destination ideas for Season 2?

If NBC doesn't renew this show, they need to a frontal cortex lobotomy.

So let's throw in our ideas about where the grandpas can go next season:

Siberia Russia - they take the transSiberian railway from Vladivostok to Moscow in the WINTER ; enjoy Russian banya massages, where Russians slap them with branches; polar bear dip in icy waters....visit old Soviet museum

China - trek on Great Wall and pull their old muscles; Beijing Forbidden City; Tibet plateau and huge Buddhist temples; panda forests in Sichuan; trek on the ancient SIlk Road in Xinjiang; learn Kung fu from Shaolin monks ;

Turkey - they enjoy the painful Turkish baths where Turkish men slap them silly; eat Turkish ice cream

Africa - CONGO :trek in the impenetrable forests and get bum rushed by angry silverback gorillas; Ethiopia - nasty wild baboons steal the grandpa's lunches

please add your suggestions....


Australia, enough said.


They can stay in China for the whole season 2. Then go to Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Taiwan on season 3.


Having been to Turkey and experienced the Turkish bath, I'd agree that would be fun. Maybe they could follow the Silk Road?

I also think India would be fun...
