Right. I think the producers are staging stupid antics for them to do, because they do not trust these four guys to be entertaining on their own. Bradshaw...get naked again. It's been like, three minutes since America has seen your geriatric genitalia.
No way regular people would go to a foreign country acting like these clowns, and not be arrested and whipped with a cane within six minutes in real life...
I'm just tuning in for Shatner. He may not be around much longer, and he's my favorite actor.
I can't say I am an expert traveler or have been everywhere - but I have been to China. Saying that, I disagree with you about what is an "Ugly American" nowadays. I would find Bradshaw embarassing at times, but in my experience the richer, spoiled, entitled tourists who demanded things and insulted deliberately to the faces of their hosts nations' citizens are the real "Ugly Americans."
Bradshaw is a buffoon by reason of culture clash, but he doesn't mean to be insulting. In our group we never had any as annoying as Bradshaw - a few clowns, but we did have some of the entitled - and the entitled were by far resented by the locals.
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We have plenty of Ugly Americans right here stateside. They are an embarrassment. I would much rather be around poor people who are humble, show humility and have manners than to be around entitled aristocrats any day.
Eat some makeup because you are really ugly on the inside - Olivia Blois Sharpe
Couldn't disagree more. Bradshaw is hysterical. I remember about ten years ago he was a NASCAR commentator for a half season. He didn't kknow much about the sport, but he had bought into a race team, and managed to get a TV gig out of it. HE WAS GREAT!
Any race fans remember that season? I think he was filling in for Darryl Waltrip when DW was still driving a few races a year.